One-way video interviews
Tips & Tricks

Leveraging One-Way Video Interviews For Larger Companies

Ian Cook

March 1, 2024



Are you a larger company looking for ways to streamline your hiring process? Used famously by global retail giant Aldi, one-way video interviews might be a great option.

With the rise of modern video tools like Vouch, virtual interviews have become increasingly easy and popular. One-way video interviews are also known as asynchronous interviews, and you might see the terms used interchangeably.

By leveraging one-way video interviews and video screening tools, companies can conduct virtual interviews and evaluate candidates remotely, saving time and resources for your entire team. 

The key is making sure, no matter what tools you use, that your interview process is always personal to attract the best talent - more on that soon. 

So, let's dive in.

Key Takeaways

  • One-way video interviews offer HR teams and recruiters a streamlined virtual hiring process.
  • One-way videos enable flexibility in scheduling and make it much easier to communicate with remote candidates.
  • Pre-recorded video interviews speed up candidate screening and allow for objective assessments.
  • Candidates can showcase their skills effectively on video, which can enhance their interview experience.
  • Collaborative hiring decisions can be made by getting the entire team onboard early in the process.
  • Tools like Vouch make one-way video interviews easy!

What Are The Benefits of One-Way Video Interviews?

Pre-recorded video interviews are a convenient and efficient way to screen candidates at the early stages of the hiring process, which can save larger companies and recruiters hours of time and valuable resources.

One of the key advantages of pre-recorded video interviews is the ability to rewatch interviews and share top candidates with your team, so you onboard the right person for the role. 

One-way video interviews also reduce the need for in-person meetings, making it easier for both the job candidates, hiring managers and recruiters by saving on logistics and dealing with different time zones if you are interviewing remote talent.

Of course, the other benefit is that the best talent is likely already employed, so by answering interview questions in their own time, they don't need to make an excuse with their current employer - a huge benefit for them.

Key Benefits:

  1. Efficiency: Pre-recorded video interviews can be scheduled early in the hiring process, expediting candidate screening.
  2. Flexibility: Conduct virtual interviews and eliminate the need for in-person meetings, which can help you and your candidates.
  3. Accessibility: Overcome geographical barriers is easy with one-way video interviews and connecting with remote candidates.
  4. Time and cost-savings: One-way video interviews can save you hundreds of hours a year in logistics, scheduling, and streamlining the screening process.
  5. Better Assessments: With recorded video interviews, you have the ability to evaluate candidates objectively, share with your team, and rewatch interviews.

Do You Interview Remote Candidates?

We touched on the benefits of one-way video interviews for remote candidates, but we didn't mention how much easier it is for your candidates, who might be juggling family, a current job, etc., and literally need to do a job interview at 3 am, which is never a good time to be at your best! 

And because of the timezone challenges, you might pass up on a highly talented person who could add immense value to your team and business. 

When hiring remote candidates, time zone differences can make coordinating interviews overly complicated, with scheduling conflicts and inconvenient meeting times. However, with one-way video interviews, these barriers are eliminated. 

Moreover, one-way video interviews provide a fair and standardized evaluation process for all candidates. 

In one-way video interviews, every candidate receives the same set of questions and has the opportunity to respond in their own time. This level playing field ensures consistent assessment criteria, enabling hiring teams to compare candidates objectively and make informed decisions based on their qualifications and skills.

Benefits of Connecting With Remote Candidates:

  • Access to a wider pool of talent beyond the usual local geographic limitations, giving your company an advantage.
  • One-way video interviews provide a fair and unbiased evaluation process and consistent assessment criteria, no matter where the candidates are located.
  • One-way video interviews can increase diversity and inclusion by considering candidates from various locations.

Connecting with remote candidates through one-way video interviews opens up new possibilities for companies to access a diverse and talented workforce. By embracing this technology, organizations can bridge the gap created by time zone differences and engage with candidates on a global scale.

Streamlining Your Hiring Process

One-way video interviews offer a significant advantage in streamlining the hiring process.  

Compared to traditional phone or live interviews, your recruitment team can screen a larger number of candidates within a shorter period. With pre-recorded video interviews, you also only need to prepare questions once and can evaluate multiple candidates by watching their recordings at your convenience. 

This eliminates the need to schedule and conduct multiple live interviews, saving time for both recruiters and candidates. It expedites the entire hiring process, allowing companies to move forward with their hiring decisions more efficiently.

You can learn more about streamlining your recruitment process here.

Practical, Unbiased Candidate Assessment and Screening

During the initial phases of the hiring process, one-way video interviews provide a valuable opportunity to assess candidates' skill sets more effectively. 

One-way video interviews offer a unique advantage in evaluating specific qualifications that are crucial for a particular role. For instance, you can request candidates to answer industry-specific questions or demonstrate their proficiency in specialized software. 

This targeted assessment enables recruitment teams to identify candidates who possess the necessary expertise very quickly without booking a single meeting. 

One-way video interviews are perfect for accurately evaluating skillsets.

Assessing Communication and Presentation Skills

Communication skills are essential for success in many roles, depending on the candidate's persona, and evaluating them can be challenging through traditional interviewing methods alone.  

With one-way video interviews, you can see your candidates articulate their thoughts clearly, present ideas persuasively, or showcase their presentation skills. You can also assess the styles of communication you need and what styles your candidates bring. 

By assessing candidates' communication and presentation skills, you can gain valuable insights into their ability to effectively convey information and collaborate within a team and your workplace culture - and you can rewatch just to see if the candidate was nervous, which is not possible with live in-person interviews. 

Opportunity for Candidates to Showcase Their Abilities

Pre-recorded video interviews provide candidates with a platform to be themselves while showcasing their abilities. This format allows candidates to prepare and present themselves in the best possible light - and gives them the chance to do their "best take". 

Candidates can demonstrate their problem-solving skills, creativity, and professionalism, all of which contribute to a comprehensive evaluation. By giving candidates this opportunity, you can make more informed decisions based on candidates' demonstrated abilities and potential.

Providing A Superior Candidate Experience

While you scale your hiring process, one-way video interviews present a unique opportunity to enhance the candidate experience by reducing stress and creating a more comfortable environment for candidates. 

Traditional job interviews can be downright nerve-wracking, and this stress can negatively impact a candidate's performance and ability to showcase their true potential.

With pre-recorded video interviews, candidates have the advantage of recording and reviewing their responses before submitting the final version. This allows them to refine their answers, ensure clarity, and present themselves in the best possible light. 

With tools like Vouch, you can use one-way video interview software so that your candidates can review and make adjustments to feel more confident and prepared, leading to a more positive and successful interview experience.

One-way Video Interviews Offer Objective Hiring Decisions

Structured interviews are well-known for their ability to guide hiring decisions and promote objectivity. By using one-way video interviews, you can ensure you are asking the same set of questions to all candidates, which makes it a much fairer assessment. 

One-way video interviews offer a solution that strikes a balance between structure and allowing candidates plenty of time to showcase their abilities. They also let you have off days where you might simply not want to sit in interviews - it happens for busy HR teams and recruiters. 

Leverage A Collaborative Team Hiring Process

Hiring is a team effort, and one-way video interviews facilitate collaboration among all members of the hiring team. By engaging the entire team early in the process, these interviews promote a comprehensive assessment of candidates and streamline the hiring process. 

With one-way video interviews, your team members have the opportunity to view the same interviews as you and share their feedback. This collaborative approach enables the team to collectively make decisions on moving candidates forward or not, fostering a sense of inclusivity and shared responsibility.

The benefits of team interview collaboration are twofold. Firstly, it ensures that all perspectives are considered when evaluating candidates, enhancing the overall accuracy of the hiring decisions. Secondly, it can reduce the need for multiple interview rounds by involving the hiring team in the initial screening process, saving valuable time for both the team and the candidates. 

Collaboration is the key to success in any hiring process. By actively involving the entire hiring team through one-way video interviews, companies can make more informed decisions efficiently and foster a sense of shared responsibility.

Limitations of One-Way Video Interviews

While a one-way interview process offers numerous benefits when it comes to interviewing candidates, it's important to be aware of their limitations and consider them when making hiring decisions. 

One such limitation is candidate comfort, as even though candidates can record multiple takes if you enable it, some candidates may feel uncomfortable recording themselves. Their body language could be off, which can potentially affect their performance during the interview process.

To ensure a fair evaluation, recruiters must assess a candidate's entire profile, including qualifications, experience, and other relevant factors, rather than solely relying on the one-way interview. This holistic approach ensures that the candidate's potential is considered beyond their performance in the video interview.

Another limitation of one-way interviews is the lack of opportunity for candidates to ask questions or engage in real-time conversations about the company or the role. This can hinder relationship building and prevent candidates from gathering in-depth information about the position or the organization.

To address this limitation, candidates can be encouraged to ask questions at the end of their video submissions, and of course, you can also conduct live interviews in the final stages of the hiring process - which is normal with one-way video interviews; they are really a first-round screen.  

By acknowledging these limitations and implementing strategies to overcome them, companies can ensure a more comprehensive and effective evaluation of candidates while still leveraging the benefits of one-way video interviews.


What are one-way video interviews?

One-way video interviews, also known as asynchronous interviews, are a type of interview where candidates record their responses to pre-determined questions and submit them for review by recruiters at their convenience.

What is the benefit of using a video interview platform?

Using a video interview platform allows companies to conduct virtual interviews and use a video screening tool to efficiently assess candidates remotely, without the need for in-person meetings or scheduling conflicts.

How do pre-recorded video interviews streamline the hiring process?

Pre-recorded video interviews can be scheduled early in the hiring process, allowing for faster and more objective candidate screening. This is made possible through the use of online interview software and automated interviewing software, reducing the need for multiple live interviews.

How do one-way video interviews connect with remote candidates?

One-way video interviews enable companies to connect with remote candidates, eliminating the need to rely solely on local talent and allowing for interviews to be conducted regardless of time zone differences.

How do one-way video interviews speed up the hiring process?

One-way video interviews allow recruiters to screen a larger number of candidates within a shorter period compared to traditional phone or live interviews. Recruiters only need to prepare questions once and can evaluate multiple candidates by watching their recorded responses.

How do one-way video interviews help with effective candidate screening?

One-way video interviews conducted during the initial stages of the hiring process allow companies to address deal breakers and assess candidates' skillsets more effectively, such as language proficiency or specific qualifications.

How do one-way video interviews enhance the candidate experience?

One-way video interviews reduce stress for candidates by allowing them to record and review their responses before submission. This gives them the opportunity to refine their answers and present themselves in the best possible light, resulting in a more positive and confident interview experience.

How do one-way video interviews enable objective hiring decisions?

By providing candidates with the questions in advance, one-way video interviews give them the opportunity to prepare thoughtful responses. This approach allows interviewers to compare candidates more objectively, leading to fairer assessments without the influence of casual conversation.

How do one-way video interviews promote a collaborative hiring process?

One-way video interviews engage the entire hiring team early in the process. Team members can view the same interviews, share feedback, and collectively make decisions on moving candidates forward or rejecting them, streamlining the hiring process and eliminating the need for multiple interview rounds.

What are the limitations of one-way video interviews?

Some candidates may feel uncomfortable recording themselves, potentially affecting their performance. Additionally, one-way interviews do not provide candidates with an opportunity to ask questions or engage in real-time conversations about the company or the role, which can be addressed through other stages of the hiring process.

How do one-way video interviews benefit the hiring process?

One-way video interviews offer larger companies a virtual hiring solution that can significantly streamline their process. By connecting with remote candidates, speeding up screening, conducting effective assessments, and enhancing the candidate experience, companies can make more informed decisions efficiently.


One-way video interviews have proven to be an invaluable tool for larger companies looking to streamline their hiring process. By incorporating virtual hiring through one-way video interviews, you can benefit from a more efficient and streamlined process, especially with remote candidates.

Are you looking to try out one-way video interviews? That's where modern tools like Vouch help, so be sure to book a Free demo to chat with an expert who can help you implement one-way video interviews into your hiring and onboarding strategies.

Like to try Vouch?

Loved by companies like Canva, Nike, Cisco, Stryker, HubSpot, Amazon and more, tools like Vouch make leveraging video in your business remarkably easy.

Be sure to book a Vouch demo today and chat with a video content expert.

Ian Cook

Ian Cook

Creative Lead

Lights. Camera. Traction

Cut through the noise with video.