Employer Branding Agency
People and Culture

Looking For An Employer Branding Agency? Here's The 2024 Guide.

Ian Cook

March 15, 2024



When we look at Employer Brand Statistics in 2024, it's clear that creating a strong employer brand is vital for attracting and retaining top-tier talent. 

According to LinkedIn, 88% of job seekers consider a company's employer brand when applying for a job, and a positive brand can decrease cost per hire by 50%.

At Vouch, our employer branding video tool helps companies like Amazon, Canva, HubSpot, Cisco, Nike, and more. But what if you own a company and need some external branding help?

Well, that's where an employer branding agency can help. 

So, let's dive in!‍

What Does An Employer Branding Agency Do Exactly?

An Employer Branding Agency specializes in helping you develop and enhance your employer brand, working to meet your company's specific needs. This agency's goal is to create a positive and appealing image of your company and position you as the workplace of choice. 

Here are some of the services that an employer brand agency offers:

1. Employer Brand Audits

You are conducting audits to assess the current state of the workplace brand, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. A reputable Employer Branding agency will start with an audit to rate your company's efforts and current predicted results.

2. Employer Brand Strategy

Developing a comprehensive strategy to define and communicate the organization's brand. This involves understanding the company's values, culture, and unique selling points. 

3. Workplace Culture Positioning and Improvements

Crafting compelling and authentic messages that reflect the company's culture, values, and work environment. This includes defining the ideal workplace culture for your teams.

4. Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Development

Workplace culture is all about identifying and highlighting the unique values that employees gain from working for the organization. This can include aspects like career development opportunities, work-life balance, company culture, and employee recognition.

5. Employer Branding Campaigns

Creating and implementing targeted campaigns to promote the brand. This may involve leveraging various channels, such as social media, company review sites, and industry-specific platforms.

6. Talent Attraction Strategies

Developing strategies to attract top talent by promoting the brand through various channels, including online and offline methods. This can involve optimizing job postings, creating engaging content around your diversity and inclusion, and participating in industry events.

7. Internal Communication

Ensuring that the brand is effectively communicated internally to align with the organization's culture and values. This can include internal events, newsletters, and other communication channels.

8. Employee Advocacy Programs

Encouraging and facilitating employees to be advocates for the company. This involves creating programs that empower employees to share their positive experiences and contribute to building a positive workplace reputation. 

9. Measurement and Analytics

Establishing metrics and analytics to measure the effectiveness of brand strategies. This can involve tracking candidate perception, employee engagement, and other relevant metrics.

Who Are 9 Employer Branding Agencies To Contact Today?

Here are 9 brilliant, award-winning Employer Branding Agencies. If you run an Employer Branding Agency, please get in touch so we can add you to the list.

Also, you can check out employer branding events here

In no particular order, some agencies we love:

Ph.Creative: Ph.Creative

TMP Worldwide: TMP Worldwide

Bayard Advertising: Bayard Advertising

Talent Collective: Talent Collective

CKR Interactive: CKR Interactive

Havas People: Havas People

Universum: Universum

The Brandon Agency: The Brandon Agency

Great Place to Work: Great Place to Work

Does An Employer Branding Agency Help With Employee Experience?

Absolutely, employee experience is a crucial aspect of a successful company brand strategy. It encompasses every interaction an employee has with your organization, from the candidate experience during the recruitment process to their onboarding journey, daily work environment, and opportunities for growth.

They can assist you in creating engaging candidate experiences that leave a lasting impression and help you get to know your employees better, ensuring talented people always feel excited about working on your team.

Does An Employer Brand Agency Help With Talent Onboarding?

Effective onboarding and recruitment are crucial for a positive employee experience. Employer branding agencies can create structured programs that help new hires feel welcomed and prepared. 

Consistent communication is essential for maintaining this experience, streamlining hiring, and fostering engagement and collaboration. These agencies regularly share updates and company news and recognize achievements to keep the workforce motivated and connected. They would also provide career development opportunities to empower employees to grow and advance within your organization.

Does An Employer Branding Agency Help With Branding Partnerships?

Employer branding agencies help businesses forge partnerships with industry influencers, participate in community initiatives, and sponsor relevant events, enhancing brand reach and credibility. Brand consulting unlocks a business's potential, creating an authentic brand that resonates with the target audience. Leveraging these services attracts top talent, aligns with business objectives, and reflects core values, ensuring your brand stands out in a competitive market for long-term success.

Does An Employer Branding Agency Help With Recruitment Digital Marketing?

Digital recruitment plays a crucial role in finding and hiring the best talent for your organization. Many larger agencies offer specialized recruitment services to help you streamline your hiring process, attract highly skilled candidates, and save valuable time and resources. 

Here is how these agencies can support your recruitment efforts:

1. Faster and More Efficient Hiring

Many employer branding agencies have extensive networks and access to a wide pool of qualified candidates to scale your hiring process. They can help you identify and connect with potential hires efficiently, reducing the time-to-fill positions in your organization.

2. Access to Global Talent

If your organization operates globally or is looking to expand internationally, employer branding agencies can provide valuable insights and resources for global recruitment and talent acquisition. They have the expertise to navigate different markets and connect you with top talent worldwide, such as by using social media for recruitment.

3. Market Research 

This type of agency can conduct market research to help you understand the current recruitment landscape and industry trends. This information allows you to tailor your recruitment strategies and stay ahead of the competition. talent acquisition

4. Specialist Recruitment Insights 

With their depth of knowledge and experience, these agencies can provide specialist insights into the recruitment process. They can advise on best practices, help optimize job descriptions and candidate profiles, and provide valuable guidance on attracting and retaining the right talent for your organization.

5. Social Media Marketing

Employer branding agencies understand the importance of utilizing social media marketing to promote job postings and enhance company culture. By leveraging social media platforms, these agencies use their expertise in social media marketing to help you attract high-quality candidates and increase your brand's visibility in the digital space.‍

How Do You Choose The Right Employer Branding Agency?

Choosing the right employer branding agency is crucial for building a compelling brand that attracts and retains top talent. Here's a guide to help you make the best decision:

  • Evaluate Their Experience: Look for an agency with extensive experience in your industry. Their familiarity with your field ensures they understand the unique challenges and opportunities, allowing them to craft a relevant and impactful branding strategy.
  • Review Their Portfolio: A comprehensive portfolio showcases the agency's past work and successes. Examine their case studies and client testimonials to gauge their ability to deliver results and see if their style aligns with your brand vision.
  • Understand Their Approach: Each agency has its own methodology for developing workplace brands. Ensure their approach includes thorough research, clear communication, and a strategic plan tailored to your company's specific goals and values.
  • Check for Industry Knowledge: The best agencies stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in workplace branding. Their industry knowledge can help you remain competitive and innovative in your branding efforts.
  • Assess Their Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital to a successful partnership. Choose an agency that listens to your needs, provides regular updates, and is responsive to your feedback.
  • Consider Their Network and Resources: An agency with a strong network and ample resources can offer additional value. They may have access to influential platforms and industry influencers that can boost your brand's visibility.
  • Look for Creativity and Innovation: Creativity is essential to standing out in a crowded market. Select an agency known for innovative and unique branding solutions that can make your brand memorable and attractive.
  • Evaluate Their Cultural Fit: The agency you choose should align with your company's culture and values. A good cultural fit ensures a smoother collaboration and a more authentic representation of your brand.
  • Consider Budget and Value: While budget is important, focus on the value the agency brings to your brand. A higher initial investment in a reputable agency can yield significant long-term benefits for your company's brand.

For an enhanced branding experience, use the Vouch video platform, the perfect tool for any employer branding agency to showcase company culture and attract top talent through engaging and authentic video content.


How can an employer branding agency improve retention and recruiting?

They would enhance your company's reputation, making it more attractive to top talent. This, in turn, boosts recruiting efforts and employee retention. Crafting a compelling brand helps foster a positive work culture and loyalty among your staff.

What services does an employer branding agency offer?

These types of agencies provide a range of services, including brand consulting, brand management, the development of branding strategies, employee experience enhancement, recruitment services, and social media marketing.

How does an employer branding agency integrate HR strategies with customer experience (CX) to enhance company appeal?

This agency aligns HR strategies with customer experience (CX) principles to create a cohesive brand image that appeals to both employees and customers. This integration helps to build a positive work environment that reflects well on your brand, attracting and retaining top talent.


Choosing the right employer branding agency is a strategic investment in your company's future. By partnering with experts who understand your industry, value your culture, and possess the creativity and resources to elevate your brand, you can attract top talent and foster a thriving work environment. 

Most agencies recommend integrating video content into your employer branding strategy. Platforms like Vouch simplify the process, enabling you to create compelling videos that showcase authentic reviews and employee experiences.

By leveraging these tools, you can effectively communicate your brand and attract top talent, ultimately strengthening your company's reputation and success in the competitive job market.

Like to try Vouch?

Loved by companies like Canva, Nike, Cisco, Stryker, HubSpot, Amazon, and more, tools like Vouch make leveraging video in your business remarkably easy.

Be sure to book a Vouch demo today and chat with a video content expert.

Ian Cook

Ian Cook

Creative Lead

Lights. Camera. Traction

Cut through the noise with video.