What is Employer Brand
People and Culture

What is Employer Brand? Discover Your Company's Personality Today

Gary Zurnamer

November 16, 2023



Imagine that you are looking for a job and are scrolling through a massive list of posts on Glassdoor, trying to find the position that best fits your skills and values.

You find two companies are both advertising similar jobs; one job listing highlights a lively work environment, chances for career growth, and programs that focus on employee happiness. The other job posting only mentions the tasks and responsibilities - which job and company would you choose?

You'd most likely lean towards the company that gives you a glimpse into what it's like to work there, and how they value their employees. This example quickly shows how vital employer branding is for attracting the best employees, and that is scratching the very surface!

Your employer branding strategy can significantly affect your business's success and industry reputation, and if you are working on your employer brand, tools like the Vouch video platform can also help, as you will also need to lean on employer brand strategic tool to help your company get, and stay ahead.

If you're looking to learn more about your Employer Brand, you've come to the right place!

Key Highlights:

  • Employer branding is crucial for attracting top talent and creating a positive workplace environment.
  • Employer branding can lead to cost-effective recruitment, a competitive edge, boosted morale and productivity, enhanced retention, and improved customer perception.
  • Top employer branding strategies include cultivating a strong Employer Value Proposition (EVP), leveraging social media, implementing employee advocacy programs, nurturing diversity and inclusion, and regularly assessing your overall strategies. 
  • Modern tools like Vouch video are designed to help you grow your employee brand, including on social media platforms.

What Is Employer Brand, And Why's It So Important?

Your Employer Brand (at its core) is your company's unique personality. It's the atmosphere your company has, the beliefs and tone of your company, and your company's vision.

Here are a few reasons why it's so important:

  • Become A Talent Magnet: A strong brand acts like a magnet, attracting high-quality candidates who align with your values and culture.
  • More Cost-Effective Recruitment: By attracting the right talent, you can reduce recruitment costs and improve the efficiency of your hiring process.
  • A Competitive Edge: In a crowded marketplace, a compelling employer brand sets you apart from competitors, making you the workplace of choice.
  • Boosted Morale and Productivity: A positive brand enhances employee morale and productivity, leading to a more engaged workforce.
  • Enhanced Retention: Employees who are proud of their workplace are more likely to stay, reducing turnover and the associated costs.
  • A Better Customer Perception: A good workplace brand not only attracts top talent but also enhances customer perception, leading to increased loyalty and satisfaction.

What Are Some Key Statistics on Employer Branding?

These current statistics highlight the importance of employer branding strategy in talent acquisition and employee engagement.

According to Glassdoor, 92% of workers would consider switching positions even if there was no pay boost if the position was with a company with a good reputation.

In a LinkedIn survey, 75% of job seekers consider an employer's brand before applying for a job. Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report revealed that companies with highly engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147% in earnings per share. This indicates that a strong brand leads to higher employee engagement, resulting in improved business outcomes.The statistics go on:

  • 72% of recruiting leaders around the world agree that employer branding has a significant impact on hiring. Source: TalentLyft
  • Employees who understand and connect with their company's mission and values are 67% more engaged. Source: Gallup
  • 89% of HR leaders agree that a strong employer brand gives them a competitive advantage in attracting top talent. Source: Randstad

What Are 5 Key Employer Branding Strategies?

Whether you're a seasoned HR professional or a business owner looking to enhance your company's reputation, the strategies below will help you craft a winning employer brand or reputation that resonates with potential candidates and sets your company apart from your competition.

1. Cultivating a Strong Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Cultivating a strong employer value proposition (EVP) is essential for building an attractive company brand. The EVP communicates the unique benefits and opportunities that your organization offers to employees.

To cultivate a strong EVP, start by clearly defining your company values and culture. This involves identifying what sets your organization apart from competitors and articulating the critical aspects of your company's identity.

Next, showcase your EVP through various channels, such as your company website, social media platforms, and job postings. Highlight the benefits and opportunities that employees can expect, such as career development programs, work-life balance initiatives, and a supportive work environment. Ensure that the values and messaging conveyed in your branding efforts are consistent with your overall brand identity.

2. Leveraging Social Media to Enhance Employer Brand Visibility

Social media platforms are powerful tools for enhancing brand visibility. By leveraging social media effectively, you can reach a broad audience of potential candidates and build brand awareness.

Start by creating and maintaining a solid presence on relevant social media platforms such as FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter. Use these platforms to showcase your company culture, values, and job opportunities. Regularly post engaging content that highlights employee stories, company achievements, and industry insights.

LinkedIn is particularly valuable for employer branding. Create a LinkedIn company page that reflects your brand and regularly shares updates and job opportunities. Encourage employees to engage with your social media content and share their experiences as brand advocates.

3. Implementing Employee Advocacy Programs

Implementing employee advocacy programs can significantly enhance your employer brand. By encouraging employees to become brand advocates, you can amplify your brand message and attract like-minded individuals.

Employee advocacy programs involve empowering and incentivizing employees to share their positive experiences and success stories through various channels, such as social media, online reviews, and testimonials. Innovative software, such as the Vouch video recording platform, can help create authentic and engaging testimonials.

4. Building Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace is not only ethically essential but also crucial. A diverse and inclusive workplace culture attracts top talent and promotes innovation and creativity.

To do this, actively seek out candidates from diverse backgrounds and ensure that your hiring process is free from bias. Showcase your commitment to diversity and inclusion through your company website, social media platforms, and job postings.

You can also promote a supportive and inclusive work environment where all employees feel valued and respected. This can be done through diversity training programs, employee resource groups, and inclusive policies and practices.

5. Regularly Assessing and Adapting Employer Branding Efforts

Regularly assessing and adapting your employer's branding efforts is essential to ensure their effectiveness and relevance.

Start by regularly collecting and analyzing employee feedback. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or regular check-ins. Pay attention to areas where your organization may need to catch up in terms of employee experience or company culture. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Keep an eye on your company's reputation. Monitor online reviews and comments on company review sites. Address any negative feedback promptly and transparently. By actively managing your company's reputation, you can mitigate the impact of a bad reputation on the employer brand.

How Do You Execute An Employer Branding Strategy?

The planning part is often the enjoyable part; it's staying committed and executing your strategy, which is where it gets challenging. Here's a list to give you a little push out of the door to start your way to effecting brand implementation:

Tailor Your Employer Branding Materials to Your Candidate Personas

Tailoring your employer branding materials to your candidate personas is crucial for attracting the right talent. By understanding the preferences and needs of your target audience, you can create content that resonates with them and increases their likelihood to apply for open roles.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Create compelling job descriptions on career pages that highlight the unique opportunities and benefits of working for your company.
  • Customize your application process to be user-friendly and streamlined, making it easy for job candidates to apply.
  • Showcase employee testimonials and success stories that align with the values and goals of your target audience.
  • Use language and visuals that are appealing to your candidate personas, such as industry-specific terminology or images that reflect your company culture.
  • Leverage technology and data such as Vouch to personalize your employer branding materials based on the preferences and interests of your target audience.

Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar helps ensure consistent and timely communication of your employer's brand message. Here's how:

  • Plan and schedule content that aligns with your brand messaging and goals. This can include blog posts, social media posts, videos, and employee spotlights.
  • Collaborate with your marketing department to leverage their expertise in content creation and distribution.
  • Incorporate company news and updates into your content calendar to keep employees and potential candidates informed.
  • Include a mix of content types and formats to cater to different preferences and engage your target audience.
  • Regularly review and update your content calendar to reflect new initiatives, seasonal themes, and emerging trends.

Make Sure Your Employees Understand the Strategy Too

Ensuring that your employees understand your employer's branding strategy is crucial for its successful execution. Consider these key points:

  • Foster transparent and regular internal communication. Keep employees informed about the employer branding strategy, its goals, and its role in promoting the company.
  • Provide training and resources to help employees become brand advocates. This can include workshops, webinars, and clear guidelines on how to promote the company's image.
  • Involve the leadership team in communicating the employer branding strategy. Their support and endorsement can reinforce the importance of the company brand to employees.
  • Encourage employees to participate actively in employer branding initiatives. This can include sharing their positive experiences on social media, participating in employee testimonials, and referring qualified candidates.
  • Recognize and reward employees who actively contribute to the branding efforts. This can include public recognition, monetary incentives, or other meaningful rewards.

Don't Be Afraid to Change Or Correct Course

In the dynamic business environment, it is essential to be bold and course-correct your employer's branding strategy if needed. Here's what you can do:

  • Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your branding efforts. This can involve analyzing recruitment metrics, employee satisfaction surveys, and turnover rates.
  • Identify areas that may need improvement or adjustment. This can include the application process, candidate experience, or messaging.
  • Seek feedback from employees, candidates, and other stakeholders to understand any challenges or areas for improvement.
  • Be willing to adapt and make changes to your branding strategy based on market trends, employee feedback, and evolving business needs.
  • Regularly evaluate the impact of your employer branding efforts on recruitment and employee retention. Adjust your strategy as needed to achieve your desired outcomes.

Execute, Repeat, Execute, Repeat

Consistency is vital when it comes to employer branding. To maintain consistent messaging:

  • Consistently communicate your brand message across all channels and touchpoints. This includes your company website, social media platforms, job postings, and internal communications.
  • Ensure that your messaging aligns with your company values and culture. Consistency in messaging helps build brand recognition and reinforces your employer's brand identity.
  • Monitor online platforms and respond promptly to any feedback or questions to maintain a positive brand image and consistent messaging.

What Are Some Employer Branding Strategy Examples From Leading Companies?

Looking for inspiration for your employer branding strategy?

Check out these companies' success stories:


Tableau isa leading data visualization company, has successfully implemented a branding strategy that highlights its unique company culture and commitment to employee growth.

One key aspect of Tableau's employer branding strategy is its use of employee testimonials. Through these testimonials, current employees share their experiences and success stories, showcasing the positive work environment and growth opportunities at Tableau.

The company also emphasizes employee engagement through various initiatives and events. Tableau organizes company events that promote team-building and employee collaboration, fostering a strong sense of community among employees.

Rackspace Technology

Rackspace Technology is a global cloud services provider, has implemented a branding strategy that emphasizes its strong employer value proposition and commitment to employee development and diversity.

One key element of Rackspace Technology's employer branding is its careers page. The page showcases the company's employer value proposition, highlighting the opportunities for skills development, career advancement, and a supportive work environment.

The company also conducts employee interviews and features them on its website. These interviews provide insights into the employee experience at Rackspace Technology and highlight the company's commitment to employee growth and innovation.


Slack is a collaboration software company, has implemented an employer branding strategy centered on its unique company culture and commitment to employee well-being and growth.

One key aspect of Slack's branding strategy is its focus on company culture. The company showcases its transparent and inclusive work environment, emphasizing open communication and collaboration among employees.

Slack also highlights its commitment to employee well-being through various initiatives and policies. The company promotes work-life balance and mental health support, creating a supportive work environment.


How Often Should We Update Our Employer Branding Strategy?

Regularly updating your employer branding strategy is recommended to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with market trends and employee feedback. Updating the plan based on evolving business needs can help attract top talent, reduce hiring costs, and improve the recruitment process.

Can Small Businesses Compete with Larger Companies in Employer Branding?

Small businesses can compete with larger companies in branding by highlighting their unique strengths and offering a compelling employer value proposition. By emphasizing factors such as a supportive work environment, growth opportunities, and a strong company culture, small businesses can attract qualified candidates and build a positive employer brand reputation.

How Do You Measure the ROI of Employer Branding?

Measuring the ROI of employer branding involves evaluating metrics such as talent acquisition costs for new employees, employee retention rates, and hiring costs. By comparing these metrics before and after implementing employer branding strategies, you can assess the impact of your efforts and determine the return on investment.


Crafting a solid employer branding plan is your secret weapon in attracting and retaining top talent pool or ideal candidates. It's not just about showcasing your company's culture; it's about creating a magnetic pull that makes candidates excited to be part of a journey with your company, as ane mployer of choice. Remember that your company's reputation, employee value proposition, and social responsibility all determine your success story within your industry.

And remember, you don't need to settle for the ordinary, when your employee brand can be extraordinary.

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Gary Zurnamer

Gary Zurnamer

Co-Founder and CEO of Vouch.

Lights. Camera. Traction

Cut through the noise with video.