What Is A Company Temperature Check
Talent Development

What Is A Company Temperature Check? The Simple Guide

Ian Cook

July 5, 2024

Would you like to know how your team is feeling on a weekly or monthly basis? 

A company or team temperature check is an easy way to assess your team's overall well-being and satisfaction.

This temperature check helps your team voice their concerns, provide feedback, and feel heard by the leadership - all vital to your company culture and your employee brand.

These check-ins are a little different from spotlight questions but, likewise, can be done by HR or team leaders; it just depends on your unique business setup. But no matter how big or small your company is, a team temperature check helps you identify any potential issues before they escalate. 

There are a lot of benefits, so let's dive in!

Key Highlights

Conducting a team temperature check helps you understand your employee satisfaction and your workplace culture.

  • By regularly checking in with your team, you can address any challenges and promote a positive work environment.
  • Survey questions can help measure employee morale, identify significant challenges, and gather feedback for improvement.
  • Modern video tools like Vouch can help you gather all kinds of employee feedback and testimonials.

Why Perform Team Temperature Checks?

A company temperature check is used to engage your employee's happiness.

Of course, your team's happiness is crucial to a productive, collaborative workplace culture.

Let's dive a little deeper:

1) A company temperature check helps gauge employee satisfaction and well-being.

2) A team temperature check allows you to identify any significant challenges or obstacles that team members may be facing.

3) A team temperature check gives you insight into areas of workplace culture, communication, and leadership that can be improved.

4) This proactive survey approach can also go a long way to promoting employee retention and engagement.

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When Do You Use Team Temperature Checks?

The team temperature check can be used weekly or as needed, depending on the dynamics, size of your team, and, of course, workload.

In smaller teams, you can use the team temperature check (below) at the end of a week, fortnightly, or even monthly to gather feedback on the team's experiences and feelings.

At Vouch, we love checking in weekly, and we use Vouch video to make the check-ins really easy!

But by conducting the team temperature check on a regular basis, you can make any necessary adjustments to best support your team and show them you care.

Remember, the goal of the team temperature check is to actively listen to your team members, address any issues, and promote a sense of inclusion and engagement.

It's important to create a safe space where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.

5 Brilliant Company Temperature Check Questions

Here are five brilliant team temperature check survey questions that can provide valuable insights into your team's satisfaction and well-being.

And remember, tools like Vouch are perfect for streamlining team communications, especially for team temperature checks!

Q1. From 1-10 (with 10 being amazing), how has your week been?

This question provides an overall gauge of your employee's morale.

Here are some points to consider when analyzing the responses to this question:

  • Higher ratings indicate a positive week with high morale and satisfaction.
  • Lower ratings, of course, may indicate challenges or issues that need to be addressed.
  • Consistent high or low ratings across the team may indicate a pattern or specific areas for improvement.

Q2. What was your single biggest challenge this week?

Another vital question to ask is the team members' single most significant challenge during the week.

This question allows team members to identify specific obstacles or difficulties they have encountered and provides an opportunity for support or problem-solving. 

Let's go a little deeper into why this "biggest challenge" question matters:

  • This questions helps you prioritize support and resources for team members.
  • Commonly recurring challenges among team members may indicate areas for process improvement or additional training.
  • Addressing these challenges can help alleviate stress and increase overall productivity.

Q3. Did you solve your biggest challenge?

Following the question about the biggest challenge, this question allows you to understand "how" team members were able to overcome their difficulties.

Did they do this independently, or did they require additional support or resources?

Here are some bullet points to consider when analyzing the responses to this question:

  • Positive responses indicate that team members were able to find solutions to their challenges.
  • Negative responses may require further investigation to identify any barriers to problem-solving.
  • Try to read between the lines, as unresolved challenges can reduce a team member's confidence and job satisfaction.

Q4. What could we do better next week?

This question allows team members to suggest ways in which the leadership or their coworkers can provide support or assistance.

Here are some answers to look out for, and again, you may need to read between the lines as some employees may not be so forthcoming:

  • Team members may suggest specific actions or resources that would be helpful in overcoming challenges or improving work processes.
  • Addressing the suggestions can foster a sense of collaboration and support within the team.
  • Encouraging team members to provide input on how they can be supported can increase their sense of ownership and job satisfaction.

Q5. Do you have any other feedback that will help us improve?

This question helps capture any issues that may fall between the cracks.

Here are some answers to pay special attention to:

  • Team members may provide feedback on communication, processes, work environment, or any other aspect that can be improved.
  • Addressing the feedback can lead to continuous improvement and increased employee satisfaction.
  • Encouraging open and honest feedback can create a culture of trust and collaboration within the team.

Should You Follow Up Your Weekly Company Temperate Checks?

Absolutely, following up on every employee survey is vital!

You need to address any issues, track progress, and show employees that their feedback matters.

Consistent employee survey follow-ups can lead to improved communication, problem-solving, and overall team dynamics.

What Else Can You Do To Improve Employee Engagement?

Improving employee engagement is essential for creating a positive work environment and fostering a culture of productivity and collaboration. Here are a few strategies to enhance employee engagement:

  1. Work on open communication: Create opportunities for open and honest communication within the team. Encourage feedback, suggestions, and ideas from team members, and actively listen to their input.
  2. Provide growth opportunities: Offer professional development programs, training sessions, or mentorship opportunities to help team members expand their skills and knowledge. This shows that you value their growth and development.
  3. Recognize and reward achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of team members. This can be done through small gestures such as a shout-out during team meetings or more formal recognition programs.
  4. Promote work-life balance: Encourage a healthy work-life balance by providing flexible work arrangements, time-off, or wellness initiatives. This helps prevent burnout and promotes overall well-being.
  5. Build a positive workplace culture: Foster a culture of trust, respect, and inclusivity. Encourage collaboration, teamwork, and diversity. Create a work environment where team members feel valued, supported, and empowered.

Implementing these strategies can improve employee engagement, enhance team productivity, and create a positive workplace culture.


What is a temperature check in business?

A temperature check-in business is a method to gauge the overall health and satisfaction levels of a team. It involves using surveys or assessments to gather feedback on various aspects like morale, communication, and work culture.

What are the benefits of implementing company temperature checks?

By implementing company temperature checks, you can identify issues early on, enhance communication, boost morale, and improve overall productivity. This proactive survey approach can also go a long way to promoting employee retention and engagement.

How Often Should We Conduct Company Temperature Checks?

At Vouch, we love checking in weekly, and we use Vouch video to make the check-ins really easy! However, if you have a smaller team, checking in less often is also extremely powerful.

What Should We Do If We Receive Negative Feedback?

If you receive negative feedback, let the employee know you will investigate straight away and try to solve the issues - and absolutely follow up with the employee asap. Of course, there is always a balance, and different team leaders and HR personnel will have their own styles.


Conducting regular team temperature checks is essential for maintaining a positive work environment and fostering employee engagement. 

By asking key survey questions and following up on the results, team leaders and HR can gain valuable insights into the team's satisfaction, address challenges, and promote open communication.

Implementing the suggestions provided by team members and actively working towards improving employee engagement can lead to a positive workplace culture and increased productivity. Remember, a team temperature check is a tool for continuous improvement and creating an inclusive work environment where team members feel valued and supported.

Modern tools like Vouch also make it really easy to perform company temperature checks and build your employer brand.

Like to try Vouch?

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Be sure to book a Vouch demo today and chat with a video content expert.

Ian Cook

Ian Cook

Creative Lead

Lights. Camera. Traction

Cut through the noise with video.