creating powerful reels
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7 Ways To Create Powerful Video Reels With Vouch Playlists

Gary Zurnamer

April 1, 2022

Vouch Playlists have arrived this week, thanks to our ever-engaged user base who keep us inspired with where to take the product next.

With Vouch Playlists, you can create perfectly edited, compelling reels of your best video responses in a few clicks

So, what are the most powerful reels you could create in your business? Here are some ideas from a few of us here at Vouch HQ:

1. Create the ultimate video testimonial reel

Choose your best customer testimonials and combine them into one seamless edit. This is the easiest way to share a range of customer stories with new sales prospects, visitors to your website or your social media followings.

Playlists also allows you to edit each clip, so you can zero in on the key points you want to feature. You can create a Playlist for each of your benefits, customer pain points, and more.

2. Introduce new employees to your company

Get your new starters to answer a few questions on video and combine them into one reel. This is a perfect way to let them introduce themselves in a more relaxed way and share their stories across the whole company, via slack, team meetings and more.

3. Boost your recruiting efforts by sharing a Playlist of your current employees

Your existing team can do a great job of selling your workplace to new recruits! Gather video answers from people in your company and curate the best ones into one Playlist to showcase the human, authentic spirit you pride yourself on. It’s a great way to build your reputation as an employer of choice.

4. Create a candidate shortlist

Speed up the interviewing process with Vouch video responses from candidates who apply for a role at your company. You can then review, and compile a shortlist of candidates into a Playlist, ready for the hiring team to review and align on.

Stop fumbling your team’s onboarding

  • Strengthen connections pre-boarding
  • Build remote team relationships
  • Engage via short videos
  • Track onboarding compliance

5. Capture all your user feedback in one snappy Playlist

Get your full team across the latest user feedback in no time. You can select all the relevant feedback from your video responses, edit them into one Playlist, and share across your team via Slack, your CRM, team meetings - or, if you prefer old-school, just share the link via email

6. Build a strong employer brand in social media

If you want to show off your company culture social media, just ask your team a great question, like ‘What’s your favourite film of all time', or ‘What are you looking forward to for the New Year?', gather up the wittiest, most thoughtful or interesting responses, and share them as one seamless Playlist.

7. Bring your internal comms to life with video

Add some energy and theatre to your next All-Hands meeting with a Playlist. You can select from so many different types of video - customer feedback, team updates, testimonials, funny stories from the exec leadership team, and more. Watch the whole company tune in - engagement always steps it up a notch with video.

Tools like Vouch make leveraging video in your business remarkably easy, helping you create video content that captures authentic employer reviews and employee experiences.

Like to try Vouch?

Loved by companies like Canva, Nike, Cisco, Stryker, HubSpot, Amazon and more, tools like Vouch make leveraging video in your business remarkably easy.

Be sure to book a Vouch demo today and chat with a video content expert.

Gary Zurnamer

Gary Zurnamer

Co-Founder and CEO of Vouch.

Lights. Camera. Traction

Cut through the noise with video.