employer brand video ideas
People and Culture

5 Ideas For Employer Branding Videos (With Examples)

Gary Zurnamer

March 16, 2023



In 2024's competitive hiring environment, a strong employer brand can be a powerful differentiator for your company. 

Sharing team activities and culture initiatives can help your business stand out and attract the best candidates.

That's why having some brilliant employer branding video ideas featuring the faces of your employees is a great place to start. These videos will bring your social media feeds and career pages to life, highlighting your core values and workplace culture.

If you're struggling for inspiration, this article (further below) has five brilliant employer branding video ideas you can try. Each video is designed to give potential candidates a glimpse behind the scenes of your business and can help build your following and engagement rates on your company pages, liked LinkedIn.

Recruitment leaders and employer brand statistic

How to Showcase Your Employer Brand With Videos

When it comes to employer branding video ideas, focusing on the employee experience is everything. You want to tell personal stories that connect with job seekers on an emotional level.

Real employee stories from current employees are the perfect way to do this, and you don't need professional video editors. With Vouch, you can create employee brand videos quickly and cost-effectively, which matters for even the most prominent companies that want to avoid removing employees from their workflow. 

Here are a few ways to create and share real stories from inside your company to build your employer brand:

1. Share New Year’s resolutions

Set the tone for a productive year by sharing the team's goals or by sharing public events and resolutions for the months ahead. An easy question that everyone can answer guarantees maximum involvement in a video series. The goal here is to capture a universal employee experience with events that happen in every company, only that your company does them better! 

From Employee Appreciation Day to International Women's Day, there's no end to international days to inspire you to create employer branding content with your team throughout the year. With a dog-friendly office (and a team of animal lovers), Love Your Pet Day was a natural fit for Vouch. The suitable prospective candidates will love these videos, and they are designed to connect on a deeper level than your competitors. National days are perfect for social media channels such as FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter, and more!

2. Welcome new employees

Leveraging your recruitment video for your recruitment process, company culture videos, and stories of team members for onboarding the best potential employees, showing your company growth while giving new hires a warm welcome with an intro video shared on social media is a powerful employer branding video strategy and some of the best employer branding video ideas.

These videos can be recorded on their first day and shared internally and externally through channels like YouTube, helping remote teams feel connected from the very first day. These videos help you find your next talent, and you can even do a series of videos showing your employees' journey as they grow and flourish. 

3. Spotlight culture Initiatives

When it comes to employer branding video ideas, showcasing the values and perks that make your company unique is vital. At Vouch, we've introduced quarterly Recharge Days to give everyone time to relax and restore their energy. To launch the initiative, we asked everyone to share their plans. A compelling employer branding video looks inside your company so that others can see the space you are creating and the flexibility you offer.

Employee perks

Perfect for video on social channels, showing your employee perks build your employee value proposition, but your employee perks need to be done tastefully. Showing employee engagement on a daily basis is critical here, not glossy marketing material. When it comes to employee perks, don't brag. Just show the team the perks you provide—note: The healthier the perks, the better.

5. Say thank you

At the end of the year, when you want to thank your clients and customers for their support, swap the usual email from the founders for a more personal feel-good video that features the whole team. There are a wide variety of thank-you videos you can make; just be sure to be authentic. Authentic videos are the key to every employer branding video, especially when attracting the best potential applicants for an open position; they will see straight through the polish.

How to create an employer branding video that stands out

1. Collect consistent content 

There's nothing like a rogue 9:16 recording to ruin your perfect 16:9 edit. If your team is self-recording their content asynchronously, set a clear brief. Remind them of the ratio you need, and share recording tips for clear visuals and sound.

If you're using Vouch to collect your employer branding content, you can make use of our ratio setting feature. It stops your team from submitting a video in any other dimension than the one you've stipulated. And each recording request is sent with our automatic reminders for picture-perfect lighting and sound.

2. Showcase your unique selling points (USPs)

With these employer branding video ideas, you need to highlight what sets your company apart from others, such as innovative perks, career development opportunities, or a supportive work environment, to attract top talent and differentiate your employer brand. Showcasing these unique aspects can help potential candidates see the value in joining your team and contribute to a positive employer brand image.

3. Feature a mix of employee testimonials and interactions

Aim to include a diverse representation of your team in your employer branding videos, including people from different departments and levels of seniority. This will give followers a better chance of finding a perspective that resonates with them.

If you're looking for an easy way to combine them, use Vouch's Playlist feature. It takes just minutes to create a ready-to-share mega mix of all your favorite clips.

4. Include engaging visuals

Employer branding video ideas should include high-quality visuals, such as dynamic shots of your office space, team collaboration, and employees in action, to keep viewers interested and create a visually appealing narrative that effectively showcases your company's culture and values. Engaging visuals can help viewers visualize themselves as part of your team, making your employer branding video more relatable and impactful.

5. Promote your video effectively

Use social media, your company website, and relevant industry channels to promote your video and reach a wider audience, ensuring it gets maximum exposure. Consider using targeted advertising on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook to reach specific demographics or job seekers interested in your industry. Engaging with your audience through comments and shares can also help boost visibility and encourage further interaction with your employer branding content.

6. Add a call to action (CTA)

Encourage viewers to take action, such as visiting your careers page or following your company on social media, to further engage with your brand and stay updated on future job opportunities and company news. Providing clear and compelling calls to action can help convert viewers into potential candidates and advocates for your employer brand.

7. Keep it concise

Our attention spans are decreasing, and nowhere is that more apparent than on social media. Keep your videos concise and digestible with short, snackable clips to keep your audience tuned in. Focus on the most attractive benefits, too.

If you're worried about keeping your employees on track, try setting a maximum duration for their recording in Vouch. Your teammate will see a countdown, and the recording will be capped and the time you set.


What is the importance of employer branding videos in the hiring process?

Employer branding videos can be a powerful differentiator in a competitive hiring environment. They showcase team activities and cultural initiatives, helping businesses stand out and attract top candidates. Here are some employer brand statistics that show the reason for these video ideas:

  • 72% of recruiting leaders around the world agree that employer branding has a significant impact on hiring. Source: TalentLyft
  • Employees who understand and connect with their company's mission and values are 67% more engaged. Source: Gallup
  • 89% of HR leaders agree that a strong employer brand gives them a competitive advantage in attracting top talent. Source: Randstad

What are some key elements to focus on when creating an employer branding video?

When creating an employer branding video, it's essential to focus on the employee experience. Personal stories from current employees can connect with job seekers on an emotional level and highlight core values and workplace culture.

How can companies create real stories from inside their company to build their employer brand?

Companies can create real stories by sharing events and initiatives that showcase their company culture. For example, they can share New Year's resolutions, welcome new employees, spotlight culture initiatives, showcase employee perks, and say thank you to clients and customers.

What are some creative employer branding video ideas for recruitment?

Creative recruitment video ideas include:

  • Employee spotlight interviews.
  • Behind-the-scenes office tours.
  • Day-in-the-life features.
  • Testimonials from satisfied employees.

These videos humanize your brand and showcase your company culture, helping to attract top talent. Why? Here are even more compelling stats about video.

How can companies ensure that their employer branding videos are visually appealing?

To ensure that these videos are visually appealing, companies should provide clear briefs to employees who are self-recording content. They can also use tools like Vouch to set ratios for recording and provide automatic reminders for picture-perfect lighting and sound.

Why is it essential to feature a mix of employees in employer branding videos?

Featuring a mix of employees in your videos provides a diverse representation of the team. This allows followers to find a perspective that resonates with them, increasing engagement and attracting a wider range of candidates.

How can companies use these videos to build their following and engagement rates on social media?

Companies can use EB videos to build their following and engagement rates on social media by sharing videos that highlight their core values, workplace culture, and employee experiences. These videos can help create a more personal connection with potential candidates and differentiate the company from competitors.

Like to try Vouch?

Loved by companies like Canva, Nike, Cisco, Stryker, HubSpot, Amazon and more, tools like Vouch make leveraging video in your business remarkably easy.

Be sure to book a Vouch demo today and chat with a video content expert.

Gary Zurnamer

Gary Zurnamer

Co-Founder and CEO of Vouch.

Lights. Camera. Traction

Cut through the noise with video.