Engaging Leadership
People and Culture

5 Engaging Leadership Tips For Boosting Your Team

Ian Cook

March 1, 2024



As a leader, you have a million jobs, reports, and challenges, and sometimes the goal to inspire, motivate, and drive your team forward can fall by the wayside, especially if you are managing remote employees. 

The good news is that there are several effective leadership tips that you can implement to engage your team and boost productivity, no matter what communication styles your team has. In this article, we'll explore 5 engaging leadership tips that will help you take your team's performance to the next level.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leadership involves leading by example and setting a positive and supporting tone for your team.
  • Regular communication is crucial for building trust and promoting collaboration within your team, where modern tools like Vouch can really help.
  • Investing in your team's own personal development shows your commitment to their growth and success.
  • Building trust and resilience within your team is essential for creating a positive work culture that fosters growth.

Tip 1: Leading by Example

As a leader, it is always crucial to lead by example in your own way to inspire your team to follow suit and strive for excellence, too. 

When you embody the qualities you wish to see in your team, you also establish trust and respect, laying the foundation for a positive work culture that fosters collaboration and innovation. Remember, actions speak louder than words, and leading by example is one of the most impactful ways to motivate and engage your team.

If you are looking for motivational theories, we also have an article that can help here: Best motivation theories for employers.

Tip 2: Consistent Communication

Regular communication is essential for a successful leader, and it's important to communicate openly and transparently with your team members. 

This is where a quick Friday Vouch video can help, giving your team an update on the week's performance and what's coming next week for them to think about. 

The reason Vouch is so effective, too, is that while regular team meetings are good for open discussion, there can be vast amounts of time wasted when a video update is still personal and can be even clearer than a meeting.

Modern tools and technology like Vouch are perfect for facilitating efficient communication between managers and team members. Tools like Vouch also integrate with software like Slack, HubSpot, Microsoft Teams, and more to keep everyone in the loop.

Remember, encourage your team members to communicate with you as well and be receptive to feedback and suggestions. With clear, open, and honest communication, you can foster a positive work culture and achieve great results.

Tip 3: Encourage Collaboration and Teamwork

As a leader, it's vital to foster a collaborative environment where team members are encouraged to work together towards shared objectives - especially when you are not there. 

By promoting team collaboration, you can leverage the diverse skills and perspectives of your team members to achieve better results and speed up project delivery times. 

Encouraging collaboration is a natural way to lead to a more positive work culture overall, too, which is key to productivity.

Tip 4: Reward Sucess At All Levels

Your team members work hard to achieve their goals, so it's essential to recognize their efforts and acknowledge success, even the small wins.

When you authentically recognize their achievements, it shows that you value their contribution and hard work - and often, you don't need a bonus, promotion, or anything major. Sometimes, just a thank you is everything to a hardworking, motivated employee.

Whatever the reward, it should be meaningful.

Recognition of achievements also helps build your company's employer brand, which has the knock-on effect of helping you attract stellar talent to your team, so every reward has a positive knock-on effect.

You could also look at creating an employee recognition program to formalize the process and help your team members feel appreciated on a consistent basis. Still, in our opinion, ad-hoc reward is more powerful and meaningful, as it's not expected.

Tip 5: Invest in Development

To cultivate an engaged and high-performing team, investing in personal development opportunities for your employees is key. By providing learning opportunities and resources, you demonstrate your commitment to their growth and development. 

Encourage team members to seek out their own courses, attend workshops, conferences, and networking events to enhance their skills and knowledge. 

Investing in personal development not only benefits your team members individually but also contributes to the overall growth and innovation of your company as team members expand their skills and knowledge. 

With fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, investing in your employee's professional growth increases their job satisfaction and creates loyalty and employee retention, too.

Effective Leadership Tips in Action

Whether you are a seasoned leader or new to the field, implementing engaging leadership tips can bring significant benefits to your team and organization. 

Real-life examples showcase how these leadership tips can be successfully applied, inspiring positive results.

For example, take the case of Lisa Jackson, CEO of Apple. Lisa's leadership style can be described as leading by example. She motivates her team by embodying the values and behaviors she expects of them. As a result, her team feels encouraged to follow her lead and work towards shared goals, achieving exceptional results.

"I truly believe that you really do have to lead by example, no matter what your job is. If you're asking people to do something if you're asking them to be innovative or to take risks, then you have to demonstrate that behavior yourself." - Lisa Jackson

Another leadership tip in action is the importance of recognizing achievements and rewarding success. For instance, the CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, encourages his employees to think outside the box and embrace innovation. When a team member comes up with an innovative idea, Reed makes sure to recognize and reward their achievements, usually through company-related perks. This boosts employee morale and motivation, leading to increased productivity and company success.

These examples and many more demonstrate how engaging leadership can lead to thriving and fulfilled teams. Implement these leadership tips in your organization, and watch your team grow and thrive like never before.

Building Resilience in Your Team

Things will never always go perfectly right, and building trust and resilience are critical components of a successful team. Building trust involves recognizing and valuing each team member's contributions, leading with transparency and honesty, and following through on your commitments.

When you establish trust, team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, opinions, and feedback, and they will stick with you when times get tough. 

Resilience is a critical trait that teams need to develop to overcome setbacks and battle a slew of ever-growing competitors and disrupters.

Effective Leadership for Remote Teams

Managing a remote team can present unique challenges, but with effective leadership and the right tools, you can overcome these obstacles to ensure that your remote employees stay engaged and productive. 

Here are some strategies to help you lead your remote team more effectively:

1) Set Clear Expectations

When working with a remote team, it's important to establish clear expectations and guidelines, including work hours, communication methods, and project deadlines. By providing a clear framework for your team, you can help them stay focused and on track.

2) Maintain Open Communication

Communication is key when leading a remote team. Keep lines of communication open by scheduling regular check-ins, virtual meetings, and team updates. Use collaboration tools such as Slack and work on ways to keep everyone connected and informed.

3) Build Trust and Connection

Trust and connection are essential for building strong relationships with your remote team members. Take the time to get to know your team members on a personal level and foster a culture of mutual respect and support. Celebrate milestones and accomplishments to help your team feel valued and appreciated.

4) Encourage collaboration

Collaboration is a powerful tool for boosting productivity and problem-solving. Encourage your team members to work together, share ideas, and provide the necessary tools and resources to facilitate collaboration.

5) Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology can facilitate team communication, project management and tracking, and data analysis. Take advantage of technology to simplify processes, automate tasks, and enhance collaboration within your remote team.


Why is leading by example important?

Leading by example is important because it sets a positive standard for behavior and actions, inspiring team members to follow suit and strive for excellence.

How does transparent communication benefit a team?

Transparent communication fosters trust and collaboration within a team by ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards shared goals.

Why is encouraging collaboration and teamwork essential?

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork helps leverage the diverse skills and perspectives of team members, leading to better outcomes and increased innovation.

How does recognizing and rewarding achievements impact a team?

Recognizing and rewarding achievements boosts team morale, motivation, and overall job satisfaction, resulting in increased productivity and a positive work environment.

What strategies can be used to build trust and resilience in a team?

Building trust and resilience in a team involves strategies such as open communication, fostering a positive work culture, encouraging collaboration, and providing support and resources.

Are there specific challenges and strategies for leading remote teams?

Yes, in the section "Effective Leadership for Remote Teams," you will discover specific challenges faced by remote teams and strategies to overcome them, maintain communication, and keep team members engaged.


Remember that outstanding leadership is leading by example, communicating openly, and encouraging collaboration and teamwork. When that happens, you can recognize and reward achievements and invest in personal development. All of these strategies help to create a positive work culture that fosters growth, innovation, and long-term success.

In 2024, tools like Vouch also make engaging leadership a lot easier, as you can quickly create an employee update and build trust and transparency. 

Like to try Vouch?

Loved by companies like Canva, Nike, Cisco, Stryker, HubSpot, Amazon and more, tools like Vouch make leveraging video in your business remarkably easy.

Be sure to book a Vouch demo today and chat with a video content expert.

Ian Cook

Ian Cook

Creative Lead

Lights. Camera. Traction

Cut through the noise with video.